Access our online library: (Adult and Junior/Intermediate search tool)

Primary (Primary search tool) 

The Simcoe County District School Board has more than 100 school libraries, and all schools have a full-time teacher-librarian. There are approximately 1.5 million items in the current resource collection.

Teacher-librarians work with students and staff to develop collections that are engaging for students and staff. The goals are to provide relevant resources for learning, instruction and reading enjoyment.

Teacher-librarians work with students, staff, administration and families to support and improve student literacy and academic achievement.

Library Links (passwords required for some)

SORA (use your school network login) (Sora APP available on mobile devices - "school" is Simcoe County DSB)

Tumble Book Library (Primary). (password required)

Tumble Book Cloud (Junior/Intermediate) (password required)

BookFLIX (password required)


Britannica School (password required)

Learn 360 (use your school network login)

Ontario Educational Resource Bank (password required)

Stats Canada