Halloween 2023 at WR Best
Posted on 10/26/2023

Oct. 25, 2023


Dear W.R. Best Memorial Public School Families,

On Tuesday, Oct. 31, W.R. Best Memorial Public School will acknowledge Halloween with a parade of costumes. Students and staff are encouraged to dress up and participate.

Staff strive to create inclusive environments where all students feel a sense of belonging. To ensure our celebration is safe, fun, and welcoming for everyone, costumes should not:

  • Pose a safety concern.
  • Include fake weapons.
  • Inadvertently mimic culture by culturally appropriating racial, religious, or ethnic groups.
  • Depict violence, alcohol, or drugs.

Dressing up at Halloween is fun and exciting; however, depending on the costume we choose to wear, it risks being offensive to other cultures. Please take the opportunity to discuss costume choices with your child(ren).

As always, if you have any questions, please contact me at the school.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Heidi Cameron-Armstrong


Costume Not Culture

We're A Culture Not A Costume